Step 1. Basic Details

Welcome to AVSW 2024 - A Very Special Celebration

We are glad to have you here to raise funds and awareness for autism with us.

First, do you want to register as an Individual Participant or as a Team?

If you register as a Team, you will become the Team Leader.

Register as an Individual Participant.
Start your own journey or start a custom challenge to raise donations for AVSW.

Your name as according to your NRIC / FIN. Do not worry, you can choose a separate display name for your profile later.

Please use a real email address, as we will use this to verify and communicate with you

Minimum 8 characters, with at least 1 number and 1 capitalised character.

We might need to get in touch with you regarding donation-related matters.


If you are below 18, you are required to get your parent or guardian's permission to participate in the challenge.

By completing the entry form, I hereby agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions for participation in this campaign.