Help Us Reach Our Target
Having built our School and helped others to build theirs, it is time for us to turn our attention to those who have left or will soon leave School. The need for Post-School Options is plain for all to see. While our children are still within the education framework, we have to seize the opportunity to help build the Post-School Options so that in time to come, they will benefitwhen they leave School. They need to build on the skills and habits that they have acquired in School.
The cause is good and the need is urgent. So, we are calling upon YOU – the Super Student, the Power Parent, the Mighty Teacher and the Fantastic Friend – to reveal the HERO in you and come forward by helping us raise funds for Post-School Options for Persons with Autism.
The target is to raise S$500,000. Funds raised will be used to create and support Post-School Options for employment and purposeful engagement in leisure and community activities.
Be part of this effort and help us in any one or more of the following ways:
1. Be our event sponsor.
2. Give us an outright cash donation.
3. Collect donations for us through a Pledge Card.
Fantastic Friend, we look forward to your support. Help us to achieve our target. With your support today, we can build a better tomorrow for those whom we serve. Download and fill in the response slip to make your donation now!